Scenes from the history of humankind

by Zvi Sahar / PuppetCinema Itim Ensemble

In this new work, an adaptation inspired by Yuval Noah Harari's bestselling book ‘Sapiens’, seven actors, a movie camera, and a single skeleton bring to life the journey of Homo sapiens, of us. Our discoveries, our inventions, our abilities explode onto the stage, laid bare in their beauty, wonder and raw power.  

In his unique theater language, PuppetCinema, Zvi Sahar combines theater, movement, live cinema and puppetry and hunts for the answer to the ultimate question -what will be our next step?

Long ago, Homo sapiens were just another animal of no particular importance. Now, we are masters of the earth, stronger than ever, lords of the universe, self-appointed gods. Gods, who don't realize they are the last human species on earth. Is there anything more dangerous than gods who don’t know what they want?

“This is a laborious, painstaking ensemble performance. It is such a sophisticated play, intellectually and artistically. “Step” is not just another play. It is a masterpiece that includes conversation, attentiveness, thought, emotion, and maybe even a call for action.”

Nano Shabtai, Ha'aretz Daily Newspaper 9 July 2023

STEP (2023) – 7 participants,  65 minutes. Can be performed in English. Can ve performed in local language with local narrator/actor


The Soft Hum of the Dial Tone / Ari Teperberg


Sweetie You Ain't Guilty / Gony Paz